Thursday, 12 November 2015


They keep on putting me to sleep
I've given up asking why
They won't let me leave or live a life
And they will not let me die
Every day they wheel me from my room
And lay me on the table
They strap me down and put the mask on my face
To resist I am not able

The next thing I know I'm back in the room
Never knowing what they've done
I'm restrained so I can't touch myself
To feel what they've begun
I'm fed and hydrated by a line in my arm
So food and drink I can't refuse
And I'm tranquilized if I get upset
Or start to get the blues

The first few times I'd struggle and scream
But all that got me was sedated
They gave me things to make me sore and ill
Until I co-operated
So I went along and played it cool
And tried to make a plan
But my thoughts are now so dull and weak
To plot I no longer can

With the mind I have left I'm trying to figure
Exactly what they're doing
I know my temples are often sore
My head feels like it's stewing
Soon I won't be able to think at all
Perhaps that's their objective
I've already lost all sense of time
And distance and perspective

I can't remember who I am
Or how I came to be here
This feels like all I've ever known
I can no longer see clear
I just wish that all this would end
One way or another
To not be at all would be a release
From needles, gas and rubber

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